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Interesting, fun, heartbreaking and worthy
So beautifully brilliant. I could binge listen to this impressive podcast for hours.
Best queer night in Sydney
You'll never go to this event, or listen to this podcast without having a good ole weep. The curating of the stories is top notch. Big ups to Maeve Mardsen who heads up the event - her artistic career currently booming. Check her out.
I devoured the book in a weekend and I’ve since plowed my way through almost the entire podcast library! I’m so thankful for Queerstories, for it has opened up a whole, new, wonderful world for me, where I feel I can more easily embrace myself; where I feel that I’m part of a large and diverse queer family, even from the sanctuary of my own lounge room. The stories make me laugh and cry. I find that I can relate to elements of almost every story (I’m sure most listeners would relate to that, too), and because of that, I feel like I belong.
Essential Queer Community Building. Queerstories captures the range of queer life, love and identity - building an oral storytelling tradition to keep our history, culture experience alive and out in the world, available to be heard by anyone, anytime. The live event is like going to queer church; the podcast is like checking in with family.
Maeve has done a wonderful job of curating queers of all kinds and has created a safe space for our community to share our experiences. No two stories are the same but they all weave together to create this incredible fabric of our histories. I feel blessed to have been part of it all 🙏
Didn’t think it was possible but listening to these stories has definitely increased my gayness and made me so proud and humbled to get to share space with so many f’n legends.
These eps are perfect! Nice variety, fascinating stories - my favourite podcast by far.
Queerstories makes my heart happy.
★★★★★Cyrena Bluck-Madden