The sun’s out, you’ve finally got some time off work, but your aunt’s already insisting you wear the goddamn paper cracker hat even though it splits on the side due to your large head (apparently a trait that runs in the family).
Don’t get me wrong, spending time with your loved ones over the holidays is a privilege, and one that I’m grateful for. But we need to be real about theĀ amountĀ of time spent with said family. If you’re feeling like you might just tear your hair out, simply say you need to duck out to grab some ice, jump in your car, lock the doors, blast the aircon and settle in for this curated selection of some of Queerstories best and funniest bits on family. (Hot tip – you can now listen to every episode on Spotify, how fancy! And if you’ve got a hearing impairment you can read transcripts on my blog.)
I’m spending Christmas in rural Queensland. Pls pray for me.