A national LGBTQI+ storytelling project curated by Maeve Marsden
featuring a book, event series and an award-winning podcast

A national LGBTQI+ storytelling project curated by Maeve Marsden
featuring a book, event series and award-winning podcast

Queerstories episodes for a Happy New Queer

New Year’s Resolutions. Some people are all about them – dating more, dating less, going the full Kondo on their undie drawer, ridiculous weight loss plans (THE DIET INDUSTRY IS A SCAM) etc etc. I’m not wild about NYE resolutions – surely self-improvement should be an ongoing thing rather than a momentary promise made due to tradition. I think my aversion to resolutions is not unlike my disinterest in marriage but that is probably a post for another day.

I did resolve last new years to go to more independent theatre, a goal that has no downside (supporting the arts, scoping out different venues, seeing good stuff, potentially seeing bad stuff but learning from it and becoming a better artist myself). With this in mind, I offer you your own resolution – to listen to more podcasts, specifically the Queerstories podcast (subscribe to it, review it, show the love). There’s no downside, you get good content, I get good ratings, everyone wins. Here’s a collection of some of my fave stories to kick off the new year. They aren’t particularly themed, they’re just really great. Get into it.

p.s. Enjoy this very cute photo from New Year’s Day Kooky