Biscuits and Patriotism

Please excuse typos, strange letterıng and Is wıthout dots…Turkısh keyboard. I am not a good patrıot. I went to Gallıpolı the other day and was unmoved by the multıtude of war memorıals and tales of heroıcs. Even when I found out my great-great-Uncle Arthur had fought there and survıved I dıd not feel prıde. I […]

‘An Other Tourist’ or ‘The Problem with Straight People’

The other day Kamilla and I were spat at for kissing in the streets of Dubrovnik. Now, I myself have great disdain for overt public displays of affection, but the violent hate on this man’s face told me that it was our gender and not any perceived cutesy romanticism that led him to part with […]

Americans Say the Darndest Things

I wrote the following quotes down. These people were crazy. and possibly oil tycoons. A man in his 70s and his two kids (in their 30s). I wasn’t fast enough to note the conversation in which the father denounced global warming as a joke. I had been surreptitiously listening to them and when this started […]