‘Crying’: a feminist musical parody
Using donations from our Patreon page, Lady Sings it Better has been able to release our first music video, a parody of men who complain on the internet about feminism. Typically, the comments on our YouTube are a who’s who of angry men complaining about feminism, so Lewis’ Law is at play whereby the comments […]
On single and queer parenting
As a queer, currently single woman who wants kids I wanted to explore people’s attitudes to single parenthood. I interviewed Doctors Emily Falconer and Holly Zwalf and wrote about the way ‘single parents by choice’ face criticism and discrimination. I hope to explore these ideas more, especially if / when I start looking at procreation! […]
A young woman’s guide to talking to second wave feminists
Having pitched the concept, my Daily Life article about bridging the gap between second and later wave feminists was one of the hardest pieces I’ve written, because I wanted to write it in a way that was respectful of feminist activists who’ve come before me, while still holding true to my views about the rights […]
Unpaid Internships in the Arts
Having spotted an advertisement for a Splendour in the Grass unpaid internship that appeared to violate the laws for such positions, I did some investigating and wrote about the impact unpaid internships in the arts have on those wishing to pursue careers in the sector. Specifically, I outline that whether or not they are legal, […]