I had a wonderful time in Melbourne performing for a week at The Butterfly Club with Lady Sings it Better (and performing twice in the Spiegeltent! once at Ali McGregor’s Late Nite Variety Nite Night and once at Two Leggy Redheads).
We also got some killer reviews, including possibly the best compliment I’ve ever received (except for the time a guy named Tommy said “there’s nothing a man likes to see more than a beautiful, intelligent women, wearing his leather jacket, in her pyjamas, off her face” and shortly after my friend Yvette said “Oh Maeve, you corrupter of good Christian women.” 2006, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.)
Where were we? That’s right, me getting complimented. Here it is:
“Marsden has a boisterous attitude that demands attention at all times. She epitomises the cabaret style with her loud personality, powerful voice and devilishly playful manner.” – Sofia Monkiewicz, ArtsHub
Awwww yeah. Here are the rest:
ArtsHub review by Sofia Monkiewicz, 17 April 2015
“Sassy, passionate, and downright hilarious, Lady Sings It Better is comedic cabaret at its best.”
Theatre People review by Suzanne Tate, 18 April 2015
“I have seen a lot of Cabaret in the last couple of years, and I have to say, Lady Sings it Better was one of the best.”
Lip Mag review by Eliza Graves-Browne, 17 April 2015
“The show ended with thunderous foot stamping and clapping from the audience, begging for an encore. Lady Sings It Better is more than just a musical performance; it is a political statement that is cleverly and enjoyably expressed through comical renditions. The power of misogynistic lyrics are taken away and transformed into enlightening and thoughtful compositions. This show is not one to miss.”
The Plus Ones review by Jasmin Ashton, 18 April 2015
“Lady definitely sings it better: if you’ve ever felt the need to hear every sexual song relating to animals sung in perfect feminine four part harmony, your wish will be fulfilled.”
Melbourne. Arts. Fashion. review by Meagan Welsh, 18 April 2015
“voices fit for Broadway and sass for days…”