Celebrating female artists: Introducing Maeve Marsden (ie me)

For International Women’s Day, the wonderful Rose Wintergreen of Launch Bubble ran a series celebrating female artists. Much as I loathe answering questions about myself (as if), I managed to jot a few things down. Here’s the interview: Maeve Marsden on Launch Bubble. And here’s a meme they made, which is actually me quoting Phoebe […]
Edinburgh…one week on
It’s hard to believe it’s only been a week since our closing night. Enough time to return to normal sleeping patterns, farewell most of the team (only Linda, Libby and I remain in London, while Phoebe’s is on her way to Paris as we speak) and squeeze in a Scottish highlands road trip and a […]
Maeve and Phoebe’s Edinburgh Fringe Picks #2
It’s been showpalooza for the past couple of weeks so we haven’t had time to blog. But here’s a selection of the best of some amazing stuff we’ve seen (in Maeve’s words, obviously, as will become evident as I gush about a variety of gorgeous women I’ve seen): Lady Rizo. Oh Lady Rizo. Stunning, hilarious, […]
One down, twenty-four to go
“Can we open the doors?” said the front-of-house girl. “There are forty-five people outside.” “Did you say four or five?” I said. “No. Forty-five” Our first preview. And we had an audience! Despite a brief microphone issue, our 15-minute changeover ran smoothly under the expert leadership of Phoebe, Linda and our venue tech, Emma. Up […]
Camille O’Sullivan: breathtaking and wonderfully mad

I first published this piece on my production company’s website, blackcatproductions.com.au, just before traveling to Edinburgh to perform at the Fringe. I saw Camille O’Sullivan for the first time in 2008, just before setting off on what would be a life changing overseas adventure. I saw her again that year in Edinburgh at the Fringe […]
Farewell sweet friend of mine…
We met in 2006. You arrived just when I needed you. Bringing comfort and support, giving me space, complimenting me perfectly. Together we toiled 7 days (and nights) per week at the Edge Theatre where the stars trod the boards 10 minutes apiece in efforts to prove their potential fame and entertain Newtown’s masses. Incognito, […]