For those who blazed the trail

It’s Mardi Gras! AKA Queer Christmas AKA month for companies to sell a plethora of rainbow stuff to us….yay, I guess? I love Mardi Gras almost as much as I love making fun of Mardi Gras, honestly I do. And I have had a wonderful festival already, curating Queer Thinking last weekend and attending the […]
Valentine’s Gay

So yes, Valentine’s Day is a blatant opportunity to sell some pretty useless shit, from “everlasting flowers” (are they just plastic?) to candles (my girlfriend loves scented candles, I do not understand them), to expensive perfume – ‘joy’ for women and ‘sauvage’ for men…really…? As a proud romantic-occasion-sceptic, I am more partial to the concept […]
Queerstories Eps for escaping the fam

The sun’s out, you’ve finally got some time off work, but your aunt’s already insisting you wear the goddamn paper cracker hat even though it splits on the side due to your large head (apparently a trait that runs in the family). Don’t get me wrong, spending time with your loved ones over the holidays […]
Homos, we HAVE podcast!

Ok, so you aren’t all homos, and obviously Queerstories embraces all of the letters in the LGBTQIA acronym. I just like using “homos” the way other people say “hi guys” and mean everyone. Right? Anyway, I am thrilled to have the first two stories up on the Queerstories podcast. Queerstories is a monthly LGBTQIA storytelling […]
Six Dangers of Growing Up With Lesbian Mums

Sometimes I respond to homophobia with thoughtful analysis and gentle education. Sometimes I respond with passion and rage. And sometimes the only response is ridicule. S0 I wrote this for Daily Life.

Last month, I produced my first Queerstories as a ‘ticketed’ event, at Giant Dwarf for Sydney Fringe. Queerstories began as a free LGBTQI storytelling night at Late Night Library, but it was so popular I was keen to see if it could work in a bigger venue. We sold out Giant Dwarf’s 260 seats and […]
Fruit, Sex and Nine Inch Nails

This week, Lady Sings it Better launched our collaboration with ACON’s women’s project, Claude. Our video, a playful cover of ‘Closer’ by the Nine Inch Nails, is a not-quite-safe-for-work reinvention of the ‘condom on the banana’ demonstration we all remember from high school. Its point is to spread awareness about same-sex attracted women’s health. Did you know […]
A queer girl’s guide to Valentine’s Day
I know Valentine’s Day has passed and we’re now well into Sydney Mardi Gras season but I wrote this piece for Daily Life a few weeks ago so am sharing it here now. It’s a queer girl’s guide to Valentine’s Day and, spoiler alert, it’s a day I think is pretty silly… I did manage […]
On single and queer parenting
As a queer, currently single woman who wants kids I wanted to explore people’s attitudes to single parenthood. I interviewed Doctors Emily Falconer and Holly Zwalf and wrote about the way ‘single parents by choice’ face criticism and discrimination. I hope to explore these ideas more, especially if / when I start looking at procreation! […]
Marriage Equality and the Transparent Season 2 Premiere
I wrote for Junkee about Transparent’s Season 2 Premiere and about how happy I was to finally see a gay wedding depicted in a way that reflects my views on marriage equality. Hint: I am a bit of a marriage grinch. It’s part TV recap, part review, part opinion tirade about the institution of marriage. Spoiler […]