A couple of weeks ago I turned down an opportunity for Lady Sings it Better to audition for Australia’s Got Talent. I wasn’t going to write about it at first, feeling concerned I’d look ungrateful, too big for my boots or foolish. But the more I thought about the way artists continue to go undervalued and underpaid in Australia, the angrier I got. So I pitched to Daily Life and I guess the talent shows won’t be calling again. Read my article here.
We won’t be singing on TV for the chance to win $250,000 but we are crowdfunding our work on Patreon, a platform that allows fans, friends, supporters and family to make small monthly donations in exchange for perks such as song downloads, discount show tickets, private gigs and cabaret video messages (cabagrams!). If you like my work, be it my writing, singing or ranting, please consider pledging $1 per month (or more if you can afford it) to help me make more.