A national LGBTQI+ storytelling project curated by Maeve Marsden
featuring a book, event series and an award-winning podcast

A national LGBTQI+ storytelling project curated by Maeve Marsden
featuring a book, event series and award-winning podcast

Yen Eriksen – Seeking ‘Real’ Lesbians

Yen tells a story of moving to Canberra as a bright eyed undergraduate, seeking love, identity and shoes.

Yen Eriksen is an advocate, writer and digital storyteller based in Canberra, interested in exploring the intersections between identity, race, gender and queerness.

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Queerstories is produced by Maeve Marsden and recorded by wonderful technicians at events around the country. Editors and support crew have included Beth McMullen, Bryce Halliday, Ali Graham and Nikki Stevens.